Design Taxi

A new museum has opened up in Brooklyn that challenges the typical museum setting by turning it on its head. 

Instead of the usual gallery space to display artworks, the museum has taken to the streets—using the city’s space as gallery walls. 

Called the ‘Street Museum of Art’ (SMoA), it claims to be the first public art project to adopt the illegal guerrilla tactics employed by street artists. 

The ‘urban museum’ is currently holding its first exhibition called ‘In Plain Sight’ in Williamsburg, where it challenges ‘jaded’ New Yorkers to look out for public art that surrounds them. 

“The exhibition encourages visitors to rediscover this city through a street artist’s perspective—paying attention to the freshly wet cement of a sidewalk, the rooftop of a run-down industrial building or the flat exterior surface of a familiar storefront,” according to a statement on SMoA’s website. 

“In Plain Sight is an illegal guide to Williamsburg, Brooklyn through the lens of a street artist—offering a new way to view the city and acting as a catalyst for future public street art exhibitions.” 

Because it’s located on the streets, the museum is open 24/7 and admission is always free! 

The exhibition will be on display throughout the fall, and you can find a map of all the artworks here. 

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